We can pretty much find anything in society these days. Which includes brand names that are out-of-this-world, too bizarre, or just has nothing to do with their product itself— and this includea Greek too. I have some of the few examples of products and companies inspired by mythology, plus their connection as to why they are using this mythology as a reference.
1.) Pandora - Pandora was the first woman in Greek mythology and her name means “all gifted.” This could be the reason why the Pandora Jewelry are named after her, considering how jewelries could be considered as gifts.

2.)Venus - Venus is another name that got changed (from Aphrodite) once the Romans took over the Greek mythology. The Venus is a popular beauty product used by women, and like Aphrodite, who was known as the goddess of love, pleasure, and beauty, the product itself has something to do with beauty.

3.) ACESO - Aceso is the goddess of curing illness and healing wounds, daughter to Asclepius and Epione. Unlike her sister, Panacea, she represented the process of curing, rather than the cure itself. And like the ACESO Medical Services, it's pretty obvious that the company itself has something to do with healing.
4.) Janus - Janus, the two-faced god is the Roman god of vigilance and wisdom. Now, it is a name for a high-profile investment company, just as Janus is vigilant and wise, the company keeps watch of investments people make. The logo of the company itself has a literal two-faced men facing each other's backs.
5.) Olympus - is a great Greek mountain said to be the residence of the gods. Thus, the term Olympian was revered as something exalted or majestic. Today, Olympus is known to be a camera maker that takes majestic shots.Olympian and Olympus are both synonymous in one way or another, Olympus camera having to do something with "majestic" because of its shots.
6.) Antheia – A goddess from the island of Crete, Antheia was the goddess of vegetations, lowlands, marshlands, gardens, blossoms, the budding earth and human love. And as mentioned before, she is associated with flowers; thus the Antheia Flowers referring to her background.

7.) Echo – She was the beautiful nymph who fell in love with Narcissus, but he ignored her until she pined away and only an echo of her voice remained. Echo Digital Studio obviously has something to do with sound (which can also be connected in some way with voice), much like the nymph herself.

8.) Selene – The mythological moon goddess. The Selene Team’s goal is “to land a remote-controlled lunar rover on the Moon which must then travel a minimum of 500 meters over the lunar surface, while at the same time, sending high-definition images and video as well as other data back to Earth.” And as mentioned above, Selene is the moon goddess; both have something to do with the Moon.

9.) Odyssey – The 10-year sea voyage endured by the Trojan War hero, Odysseus, as he sought to return home to Ithica; Odyssey Travel is a well-known travel agency. Voyage means a long journey involving travel by sea or in space. Odyssey was about the sea voyage of Odysseus, whilst the Odyssey Travel is a popular travel agency. We can immediately associate voyage and travel; put two and two together and we know why this travel agency was named after that mythological reference.